Platypus Journey

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Signs of Hope

I drew this early this week, it's actually half of a two tulip composition that I'll probably post later. It's colored pencil, but I used a blending pencil on the flower and the stem, leaving the leaves unblended. I really like the effect. I think, all in all for my first attempt at a tulip since I've been learning to draw, it's not bad.

I have been working with a couple of different books for color pencil technique, and they really are wildly different in their approach. One really advocates layer after layer, while anther wants you to go with as few as possible. The third book is a combination wax/oil color pencil and water color pencil. That one has been hard to wrap my mind around, but well... She really pushes using solvents to blend and break the surface of the pencil. I haven't done really anything beyond using the blending pencil, but I'm going to buy a blender marker the next trip I get to make.

I'm still feeling like my brain has been eaten by Cushing's.... that or the Addison's... or the AI... or well... the point is, I'm trying. Trying to learn new things is important. My son has me so pegged it's funny. He knows that my Sims Aspiration is Knowledge, no denial of that!

I read an interesting article Friday about people who have had brain trauma who suddenly have these bursts of creativity or who become actual artists. Neuros are only now starting to look at these people, and they are not sure if it is because of damage to the frontal lobe where our control lies, or somewhere else. I can see it with a little damage to the controller, that makes sense to me. If we hold ourselves ridged, then we are not open to trying different things... no brainer?

So, I actually went a full week without a full blown AI or Crisis. This is big, big exciting for me. I know that I'd given up the previous week. Being thrown repeatedly off that cliff onto the the chasm, with no hope of it stopping... it was more than I could handle, more than anyone should have to handle. But not only did I NOT go into AI, I also didn't need a stress dose 3 of the days! Hurray!

I still have the stupid sinus infection, and I need to call in a refill, but it's Sunday, and I will have to do that tomorrow. Or go in if I have to... Stupid infections...


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