Platypus Journey

Friday, February 09, 2007

Return on the sinus infection

Ahhhh! Will this cursed sinus infection NEVER leave??? it's like a crappy party guest that just forgets to go home. Except there was no party, and they were not invited!

I'm back to sleeping more and more and the evenings/afternoons are getting slower and slower, not fun at all!!!

Okay, this one is actually the original, larger work that I pulled the first tulip from. I posted the single tulip a couple of posts ago.

Last night I was feeling really tired, but still wanted to do something creative, so I down loaded some really fun drawings from the Bergsma Gallery. She's got some great things to color, and I thought it would be fun to just work on my coloring techniques. Plenty of fun there to be had. Anyway, I bought a set of basic Derwent watercolor pencils for another project, and decided that I was going to use those instead of the wax pencils. Wow! Now I'm gonna have to get a bigger set of watercolor pencils... heh. I think I've decided on Aqua Monolith Pencils, in the 24 set. The are the woodless ones, and I figure that will be the best value.

I've been looking at and working with a few art books and learning some more techniques, and one of those books devotes a full half to the water color techniques. I've only done one of the examples, but the results are wow!


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