Platypus Journey

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I call this one "Meditation," and it was inspired by the Weekly Cartooning Challenger at Action Cartooning With Ben Caldwell. The challenge was to give flight to the poor flightless Penguin. There are so many very clever and talented artists over there, and well, I just couldn't resist the challenge myself.

I don't know if this is funny, but I really liked the juxtaposition between the two penguins.

Most of this was done using my PITT pens, but the background for the Astral Penguin is obviously my color pencils.

Heh, I wonder if Judy will accept this as my Animal assignment. Doh! I guess not, since it isn't very "realistic." Good thing the Owl for Ayla is finished. I need to photograph that so I can post it.

I'm at the point where I need to figure out how to save my loose finished pieces that I've done on this one paper I've been using. I guess I'll just have to work on of the books from now on, just for continuity sake. I know I was going to do that, but I find working on my drawing board in the living room just so handy. And comfortable, and bright light from my glorious picture window...

Looking at this piece, I can see that I would like to add some more elements to the meditater portion, maybe some butterflies or something. It's definitely missing something. I'm really looking forward to getting some constructive criticisms from that forum.

I have always wanted to draw cartoons, but of course because I thought you had to have the "drawing gene" or talent or inate ability, there was no way I could ever draw, I thought I was doomed. (Oooh, what an ugly sentence!) Last year I picked up Ben Caldwell's Action! Cartooning, but I haven't really done much with it yet. Other than read it, and re-read it, and then read it some more. I've checked out his sequel Fantasy Cartooning a few times from my local library too, but I've actually worked out of that a bit.

I think I'm intimidated by the human form. Yeah, that's it. I'm intimidated by it. And currently my faces are not even close to what I'd like. That's pretty obvious from my self portrait...

On to other stuff...
I finished the anti-biotic earlier this week for my sinus infection. Not cured, still have it. Need to call and make an appointment for more and deadly anti-biotics. I don't know though, I was on them for over a month, and still I have this cursed infection. A couple of weeks ago they said no to the IV anti-biotic, even though Dr. L and Dr. N said yes... Stupid ER docs... I don't CARE what the CT scan said, the infection is NOT GETTING BETTER. or at least, not GOING AWAY.

I cannot afford to let this get away from me again. I know I cannot face another week like that week from Hell. I just don't know that I can do that.


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