Platypus Journey

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hurray! The Neuro says my MRI is clean!, and there is no whooshing in my head either!

*warning* Sarcasm Alert!!

Hurray! I just got off the phone with the neuro's office, and the report from the MRI & MRV is back! They said I don't have any tumor and there is no reason there for my headaches! Party time! Wooo

Apparently, my headaches are solely caused by rebound from taking narcotics, and I need to wean myself off them. But if I don't have a pill for weeks I'm fine, and it's only when I hit a Low that I have headaches..... They couldn't explain to me why I can go for a week or more when I'm swinging High and am actually HIGH and don't need any pills and don't have any head aches (but still have the whooshing), yet still have my headaches still be caused by rebounding from the narcotics. That line of reasoning is gonna give me a head ache even though I don't have one....

They haven’t been able to explain how I’ve had rebound headaches from the narcotics from before I was prescribed the narcotics. Probably the tumor they say I don’t have is not giving me the headache…

(for those of you who are just tuning in to the fine art of diagnosing pituitary tumors, most pit tumors are small, very, very, very small. But that’s to be expected, given that the pituitary is about the size of a pea. Dunno if we are talking about a petit pea or what. But that gives you an idea of what we are talking about. Most MRIs don’t read anything smaller than 5mm, which is very large for a pit tumor. And most pit tumors don’t show up on imaging anyway. They are sort of liquid and squishy, not lending themselves to traditional imaging techniques.)

hmmm but if I don't have a tumor, how is it spilling ACTH?

Anyway, I was none to nice to the nurse. She started it. But you know what? She works for ME. And she doesn't have any way to stick me with a needle so I don't care.

When I went down to OHSU for my Dex I took the CD with the very cool entire brain image that proves that someone has a brain, so the team there has that disk.

I just looked up "rebound headache" so I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on the neuro. f some of the following signs apply to you, you're probably having rebound headaches (but be sure to see your doctor for evaluation of your problem to confirm that it's a headache and not something more serious):

* You suffer from headaches daily or every other day.

* Your pain intensifies about three hours after your last dose of medication.

* Your pain medications don't work as well as they used to.

* You take more medication, but your headaches are worse.

* You rely on more pills, and you take them more often.

* You take medication even for mild headaches, and you often try to ward off a headache by using a medication.

* You take pain relievers three to four days a week, and you average more than three tablets per day. (This depends on the kind of medication you're taking, so you'll need your doctor's advice.)

* Your pain runs the gamut from mild to moderate to horrible. Usually, the pain is a dull ache that you feel on both sides of your forehead and, sometimes, on the top or back of your head.

* Your headaches occur much more frequently.

Because you're in pain, you may use medications too often. The theory behind the rebound headache is that the overuse of drugs makes the headache rebound after your body has absorbed all of the medication. Painkillers are supposed to relieve pain, of course, but if you overuse prescription or nonprescription drugs, they can turn on you and actually cause headaches.


So, most of those actually do apply to me, other than taking pills for mild headaches. typically, I don't take anything for less than a 7.5 on the pain scale. I don't know if this is the way it is for most folks. My background is pretty much a 5, and I don't even bother with over the counter pills for my head. Body aches, yes, but not for my head. They won't do anything for my head, so I don't bother.

Of course, my headache started in Nov 05, so it can't get any more frequent that ALL THE TIME. And the top of the head and the back, is pretty typical for the "Cushie headache" no?

And yes, my headaches are getting worse, but over all, my Cushing's is getting worse.

I know the doses I take seem large. I guess the normal person would be dropped like they'd been darted, but two percaets don't even phase me. I'm pretty sure that if I gave my Spud half the dose I take, he'd be rendered unconscious for week. Spud out weighs me by 25 pounds. When I go to the ER for the head aches, the amount of duladin makes the nurses double check because it is such a huge dose. And again, they have to give me two doses.

But I'm not taking pills all day every day. Or even every other day.

I suppose I ought to cut the man some slack. Not cutting the snotty assistant any slack though.

Of course, when I next see him, I'll have to bring a print out of this, and with point/counter point.

It's just hard to swallow the rebound headache arguement when I know how many pills I take, when I take them, and the pattern I take them. Point/counter point....


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