Platypus Journey

Friday, September 29, 2006

Weekly check-in 8-25-2006

I’m still super low but I'm finally starting to swing back up. I'm yawning my head off and I didn't sleep too well, kept waking up every couple of hours.

Tuesday can't come soon enough, I have an appointment with Dr. L in the afternoon. I'm super nervous, I'm so very afraid that they are calling me down to tell me that there is nothing wrong with me, that I'm just fat and lazy. My husband tells me that if that was just the case that they would just call me to dump me over the phone. I was just going to take the train down from Seattle, but Husband nixed that--he wants to go with me to make sure that they understand how worse I've gotten. My Highs are higher and my Lows are lower. Someone let me off this scary ride, it isn't fun!

I was concerned that I'd still be really low next week for my trip to OHSU but now it's looking like I'll have swung High in time for them to see me as a lunatic.

My son is so funny. Everyday when he gets home from work he has to check where I am in my cycle. I know he gets a kick out of rough-housing with me, and counting coup on each other is one of our favorite games. when I'm High he rarely gets in a touch, but when I'm low it's effortless for him I know he's really worried about me, but he hides it well.


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