Platypus Journey

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Body dimorphic 2/2/5

I don't know if it is body dimorphic or not. I know exactly how big I am, and how much space I occupy. Some days I'm acutely aware of it, like when I stuff myself into desks for class....

When I was thin I thought I was fat. Then I did have body dimorphic. I was told I was fat, the scales said I was fat; therefore I must have been fat. (Size 11 is not fat, not for my frame.)

One of the things I learned from belly dancing is the secret. You just have to believe that you are hot stuff and you will be hot stuff.

Two of the folks who are in my program at school are bulimic. The woman is really thin and the guy is thin to normal, but they think they are fat. Another friend was talking to me about someone she knows who is fat, "like a size 26, you know, really big." I just looked at her. She had no clue that is the size of some of my shirts...


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