Platypus Journey

Friday, September 29, 2006

Ah-hah, mystery explained 08-02-2006

Q: I'm just wondering if we know why we don't lose weight. Why we can't lose weight? As you know, I spent a month at less than 700 calories a day, an managed an impressive 1.5 pounds lost. Which I promptly gained when I went to 1000 calories a day. Can someone point me to some links? (and also hopefully break it down so I can understand it when I'm in a brain fog.)

Is it true that exercise increases cortisol levels or production?

This is the information I got from my Cushing's board 145400 (might need to register to view the thread.) LynneC is one of the long time Cushing's board member, and a great all-around resource.
Originally Posted by LynneC
The basic thing is that our bodies are designed to compensate when we're under stress. Our bodies haven't changed much since our caveman days. So when our bodies are under stress, like from a famine, the cortisol response kicks in and makes sure we have plenty of energy stores (fat) available to help us survive, just in case we need an energy boost while being chased by a sabertooth tiger. With Cushing's, of course, we have a source of stress hormone operating independently of our circumstances and it doesn't shut off. Our entire digestive and metobolic system changes. Food, any food, is sent to our fat stores. Around our trunk/upper body is the most efficient place to store it for "easy access". We then receive all our energy from the breakdown of muscle. If not enough food is consumed for our needs, then the body will turn the muscle itself into fat.

Some people have been able to lose weight with Cushing's. It may have to do with intermittant cortisol secretion, so their bodies get a break once in awhile. Severe dieting (like a 700 cal. program) can actually make things worse. For example, anorexics have high cortisol levels. If their cortisol didn't kick in, they would die much sooner from starvation.

Wow, I don't know about anyone else, but this has been a light bulb moment for me.

Ah-HAH This makes sense.

This headache that I've got that WILL NOT go away, started in Nov, the month I was *super* restricted with my band. This is also when my symptoms started to be real. I've always had the symptoms, always had these stretches where I would suddenly gain weight but otherwise feel pretty good, vs. long stretches where I felt practically immobilized with Fibro...


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